TPS61322 also allows the use of small external inductors and capacitors. The conversion from 1.5V input to 2.2V output under 10mA load achieves an efficiency higher than 90%.
TPS61322 can also support high output current applications through external Schottky diodes. The TPS613222A provides an output current capability higher than 500mA under the conversion of an input voltage of 3V to an output voltage of 5V through an external Schottky diode connected in parallel with the internal rectifier FET.
The output voltage is internally set to a fixed output voltage from 1.8 V to 5.5 V in 0.1 V increments.
TPS61322 is available in 2.9mm × 1.3mm 3-pin SOT package or 2.9mm × 1.6mm 5-pin SOT package.