TC4427ACOA713 is a MOSFET driver. In addition to matched rise and fall times, the TC4427ACOA713 device has matched leading and falling edge propagation delay times. These devices have a high degree of latch-up resistance under any conditions within their rated power and voltage ranges. They will not be damaged when noise spikes up to 5V (either polarity) appear on the ground pins. They can accept up to 500 mA of reverse current (either polarity) that is forcibly returned to their output without causing damage or logic confusion.
1. High capacitive load driving capability-1000 pF in 25 ns (typical value)
2. Short delay time – 30 ns (typical value)
3. Matched rise, fall and delay time
4. Low output impedance-7Ω (typical value)
5. Latch protection: will withstand 0.5A reverse current
6. The input can withstand up to 5V negative input
7. ESD protection – 4 kV