@Sunny Anusi
2023-07-08 10:31

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First, perform a visual inspection to ensure an adequate power supply. If the power supply is insufficient, check the resistors near U1 to verify if they are functioning properly. Use a known good board as a reference for comparison. If the hashrate is still insufficient, replace the first chip. Additionally, during the voltage detection process, measure the 5 signals to see if there is any activity. By identifying the chip with abnormal signals among the 63 chips, the issue can be resolved.
First, perform a visual inspection to ensure an adequate power supply. If the power supply is insufficient, check the resistors near U1 to verify if they are functioning properly. Use a known good board as a reference for comparison. If the hashrate is still insufficient, replace the first chip. Additionally, during the voltage detection process, measure the 5 signals to see if there is any activity. By identifying the chip with abnormal signals among the 63 chips, the issue can be resolved.
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