2023-09-13 10:57
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Watch the tutorial video via the link: https://youtu.be/PFVmyaL7VX8

This method applies to the following situations:

  • The miner is power-off in the upgrading process.
  • The miner cannot start (cannot find IP).
  • The miner can only use the default factory workers.

Tools required:

  • The MicroSD card recommended a capacity of less than 16GB. Larger capacity MicroSD cards are not recommended as they are very susceptible to errors.
  • A computer running Windows XP or later 
  • Card reader

Software required:

Flashing Instructions :

  1. Insert MicroSD card into computer and format to FAT32.
  2. Unzip the downloaded image file and copy the contents to the MicroSD card.
  3. Edit the file named passwd.txt, and set a password.
  4. Remove the MicroSD card from the computer and insert it into the card slot on the control board.
  5. Power on the control board. Allow about 30 seconds for the files to load automatically. When loaded, the red and green indicator lights on the control board will blink. (Different models may require different time to complete this process)
  6. Power on the miner and access the miner interface. If you could use the password you just set to get into the interface, then you've succeeded recovering the program.

Possible solutions to solve the flashing failure

1. Reformat the MicroSD and make sure you've copied the correct firmware. 

2. Press the MicroSD softly to ensure it's well attached. 

3. Dust and clean the MicroSD.

4. Try with another good known MicroSD.

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