The SRC60R030FB is a high voltage power MOSFET fabricated using advanced super junction technology. The resulting device has extremely low resistance, low gate charge, and fast switching time, making it especially suitable for applications that require superior power density and outstanding efficiency.
The SRC60R030FB breakdown voltage is 600V and has a high rugged avalanche characteristic.
The SRC60R030FB is available in the TO-247 package.
This is a brand-new original product, and the price may be more expensive than the substitute product, but the quality is guaranteed; welcome to buy!
Product features:
Ultra Low RDS(ON) = 30mΩ @ VGS = 10V.
Ultra Low Gate Charge, Qg=124.1nC typ.
Fast switching capability
Robust design with better EAS performance
Low Qrr
EV Charger
High Power Application
High Performance Application