HY234 thermal grease / thermal grease hash board / Hash board paste
Hash board thermal grease is very soft and easy to form, suitable for one-piece heat sink, water cooling board. The content of Hash board thermal grease is 110G, the syringe shape is more convenient, it can be operated with one hand, and it can be pressed once.
The function of silicone grease is to fill the gap between the radiator and the chip, and play a role in assisting heat conduction. There is a big difference between applying silicone grease and not applying silicone grease. No matter how good the radiator is, silicone grease needs to be applied. If the temperature does not improve after replacing the silicone grease, first check whether the radiator is installed to balance the chip, otherwise it is necessary to replace a better radiator.ow to use:
Note when applying: apply evenly, without impurity bubbles; do not apply too thickly or too little.
1. Wipe the surface of the ASIC chip clean to remove rust, dust and oil;
2. Squeeze some thermal grease in the center of the surface of the ASIC chip;
3. Use a scraper or brush to spread the thermal grease evenly.